While no one can say for sure that any vape — even a plant-powered vape — is always going to be 100% safe for 100% of people, plant-powered vapes are generally considered at least as healthy as any other nicotine-free vape.
And they’re almost certainly going to be healthier and better for you than any vape that contains nicotine. Nicotine is harmful to your body all by itself.
However, even though a vape is derived from plants or botanical ingredients, that doesn’t mean it will be entirely safe for you. Everyone reacts differently.
Given the wide variety of ingredients that can be included in any vape, you will have to do a little bit of light homework to make the best choice for you.
One of the first things you want to consider is the manufacturer’s reputation. Does the brand have plenty of reviews? Has it been around long, or is it completely new to the market?
Is it upfront about the ingredients that it puts in its products? Or does it try to obscure the exact nature of the inputs? These questions can help you determine if a particular vape is safe.
Beyond standard considerations like these, consider any ingredients to which you may be allergic or sensitive.
For example, if you're sensitive to caffeine, and a couple of cups of coffee typically have you bouncing off the walls, a vape that contains caffeine — even if it's plant-based — might be harmful to you personally.
A good general rule of thumb is this: if you can't tolerate a particular ingredient outside of a vape or wouldn’t eat it if put on a plate, you want to avoid it when it's inside a vape.
For more information about health and safety, check out Are Plant-Based Vapes Safe?