10 Cheapest Nicotine Lozenges to Help You Quit Smoking
The cost of nicotine lozenges can add up fast. If you use several a day, your monthly spending could easily hit the triple digits. But here’s the good news: switching to cheaper lozenges can lead to serious savings in the long run. That means you can quit smoking without stretching your budget.
You can expect to pay anywhere from $7 to $14 for a standard 20-count pack of nicotine lozenges, regardless of strength — most come with 2 mg and 4 mg nicotine options. If you're taking 10 lozenges a day, that's around 15 standard packs a month. At the high-end price of $14 a pack, it’s enough to strain anyone’s budget.
Is it worth splurging on big-name brands charging double for what seems like the same product, or should you save your cash and opt for cheaper options? In this article, we break down the pricing of several nicotine lozenges to help you find the best value for your money.
At a glance:
The 10 Cheapest Nicotine Lozenges
ARRØ Nicotine Lozenges
At ARRØ, we know that most nicotine lozenges are too expensive. But that’s not the only problem. Those designed to help you quit smoking can be unremarkable in terms of flavor, and brands that do offer fun flavors want to keep you hooked, formulating their lozenges as recreational stimulants rather than gentle tools to help you kick the habit.
Our answer? We channeled what we learned through crafting premium plant-based vapes to create our own lozenges. Priced at just $7.99 a pack, they offer an affordable way to quit smoking.
ARRØ lozenges are sugar-free and made with simple, clean ingredients. With slow-release nicotine polacrilex, they provide long-term relief from cravings so you can eventually stop nicotine altogether.
Pro tip: Pair our lozenges with our zero-nicotine vapes to satisfy that hand-to-mouth habit, and the urge to smoke cigarettes will be a thing of the past.
More than just nicotine mints, our lozenges come in two bold flavors so you can switch it up whenever you want. This keeps things interesting and makes it easier to stick to your quit plan. Whether you’re in the mood for the refreshing taste of Magic Mint or the succulent sweetness of Strawberry Ice, you’ll always have a delicious option to satisfy your cravings.
Shop all ARRØ nicotine lozenges here
Nicorette Mini Lozenges
Nicorette makes some of the most popular stop-smoking aids. While they are generally cheaper than cigarettes, they come with a higher price tag than many other lozenges out there. These mini lozenges will set you back $14.36 for a 20-count container — nearly twice the cost of our ARRØ lozenges. While Nicorette is widely available, the cost can be a deal breaker.
These lozenges also leave a lot to be desired in the flavor department. If you’re looking for a break from mint, you’re out of luck here.
That said, Nicorete’s mini lozenges could be a solid choice if you prefer small lozenges that dissolve quickly for fast craving relief. Many other brands focus on slow-release technology to curb cravings over a longer period, but these mini lozenges stand out for those seeking a quick fix.
Shop all Nicorette lozenges here
Amazon Basic Care Nicotine Lozenges
At $14.86 for a 27-count pack, Amazon Basic Care offers a slightly better value than Nicorette — you get 7 extra lozenges for the same price, which could get you through another day or two, depending on your usage.
These lozenges come in a few common flavor options, offering better variety than some other brands. Unfortunately, the most popular flavors tend to sell out quickly, so your go-to option might be out of stock when it’s time to reorder.
Shop Amazon Basic Care lozenges here
Habitrol Lozenges
Habitrol is another well-known option, widely available in pharmacies and big-box stores like Walmart. Their standard 2 mg lozenges are priced at $13.15 for a pack of 24. They also offer a 4 mg strength for heavy smokers and a rare 1 mg strength for light smokers — the 1 mg box costs $17 for a pack of 36.
If you smoke occasionally and you need a lower-strength lozenge, it may be worth spending a bit more on the 1 mg Habitrol lozenges instead of saving with a 2 mg option from another brand. It’s all about finding the right balance for your needs.
Rogue Lozenges
Rogue lozenges are among the cheapest options on the market: a 20-count tin costs just $5.49. But there’s a catch: you have to order a 5-pack for $27.45 to get this deal.
This means you can’t just buy one tin to try before committing to a larger purchase. If you dislike the taste, that’s money down the drain. The good news is that reviewers generally enjoy the flavor, although three of the four options are mint-based — if you love mint, this could be right up your alley.
With a similar price and flavor profile to the now-discontinued VELO nicotine lozenges, Rogue could be a great alternative.
Wellness Basics Nicotine Lozenges
Wellness Basics is a simple, no-frills option at a great price — if you’re okay paying more upfront for a larger quantity. At $38.99 for 135 lozenges, you’re looking at around $7.80 per 27-count container.
The downside? These are only available in mint, and reviewers aren’t big on the taste. One customer described them as “kind of vile compared to the Amazon brand ones,” while another said it reminds them of “the aftertaste you get when drinking a diet soda.” With that in mind, you’ll be taking a bit of a chance on flavor, especially since you have to buy in bulk.
Shop Wellness Basics lozenges here
CVS Health Nicotine Lozenges
CVS Health offers a wide selection of nicotine lozenges in various strengths and sizes, making it easy to find the perfect fit for your quitting journey. Whether you prefer the convenience of shopping online or grabbing a pack in-store when you’re running low, it’s hard to beat the flexibility of shopping from CVS.
Be prepared to pay extra for this convenience, though. At $13.99 for 20 lozenges, these are priced similarly to big brands like Nicorette, so you won’t see the significant savings you might expect from a store-brand product.
That said, CVS Health does offer some unique flavors, so these could be a good alternative if you want more variety.
Shop all CVS Health nicotine lozenges here
Walgreens Mini Lozenges
At $12.99 for a 20-count pack, these Walgreens lozenges are a bit cheaper than those from CVS Health. This is another popular store option, available in two nicotine strengths and unique flavors like Cinnamon and Cherry Ice — though many reviewers report that the company recently changed the Cherry flavor and it no longer tastes that great.
While these may be a little pricey and lacking in flavor variety, they’ll get the job done. Plus, Walgreens often runs promotions that can help you save some extra money, sweetening the deal just a little more.
Shop Walgreens nicotine lozenges here
Nic Nac Naturals
Nic Nac Naturals are made in the U.S. with clean, simple ingredients and a range of fun flavors. Priced at $34.99 for a 5-pack ($6.99 per can), each tin contains just 15 lozenges. This makes them a bit pricier than some competitors, but customers are generally happy with the quality.
For the price, you get your pick of 3 mg or 6 mg nicotine strengths, diverging from the standard 2 mg and 4 mg options. Note that these lozenges aren’t meant as smoking cessation aids. They use pure nicotine rather than nicotine polacrilex, the slow-release form found in nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products.
Instead, Nic Nac Naturals offers a discreet alternative to smoking, vaping, and nicotine pouches for those who intend to continue using nicotine. For this reason, they may not be best for those looking to kick the habit completely.
Shop Nic Nac Naturals lozenges here
Kirkland Signature Quit Lozenges
Like everything from Costco, these lozenges cost more upfront, but you’ll walk away with a bulk quantity that should last a long time. Priced at $62.99 for 270 lozenges, you’re looking at about $6.30 for each 27-count container — great value overall.
For this price, Kirkland Signature offers two standard nicotine strengths and two flavor options: Mint and Cherry. As long as you’re not looking for anything fun or fancy, these lozenges are a solid choice. Just be sure you’re okay sticking with the same flavor for weeks (and you have a Costco membership).
Shop Kirkland Signature Quit lozenges here
How long does a nicotine lozenge last?
Standard-sized nicotine lozenges last around 20 to 30 minutes. Mini lozenges dissolve faster, closer to 10 or 15 minutes. Over this time, the lozenge will gradually release nicotine into your bloodstream, providing a smooth and consistent dose to ease cravings and withdrawal discomfort.
The effects of a nicotine lozenge will last around one to two hours after you finish it. At this point, you might start to feel withdrawal symptoms creep back in — this is your cue to take another lozenge to keep those cravings at bay and stay focused on your quitting journey.
How do I use nicotine lozenges?
Just pop a lozenge in your mouth and let it slowly dissolve between your cheek and gums. It’s discrete and effortless — the perfect alternative to other NRT products. Unlike nicotine gum, you’re not constantly chewing, and unlike patches, you can control exactly when you get your nicotine fix.
For best results, avoid eating or drinking about 15 minutes before using nicotine lozenges as this can affect how much nicotine makes it into your blood. The last thing you want is to waste a lozenge because a cup of coffee blocked its full effect.
What strength nicotine lozenge should I use?
Choosing the right dose is key when using lozenges to quit smoking. The CDC suggests starting with 4 mg lozenges if you have your first cigarette within 30 minutes of waking up — this strength will provide the best support for those with a high level of nicotine dependence. If you wait longer than 30 minutes before lighting up in the morning, 2 mg is your sweet spot.
If your smoking habits tend to vary day by day, start with a 2 mg lozenge and see how well it controls your cravings. You can always opt for 4 mg next time if 2 mg isn’t cutting it. Note that it’s not a great idea to use more than one lozenge at a time as this increases the risk of side effects like heartburn and nausea.
How many milligrams of nicotine a day is safe?
The safe amount of nicotine per day depends on individual factors like weight, metabolism, and tolerance. For standard nicotine lozenges, the maximum amount you should have in a day is 20 — a total of 40 mg of nicotine from 2 mg lozenges.
Don’t worry, it would be difficult to reach this maximum, especially since you shouldn’t have more than five lozenges within six hours. The goal is to eventually quit, not pop these like candy, so go easy and try to gradually reduce the amount you consume over several weeks.
Quit Without Breaking the Bank
Finding cheap nicotine lozenges can make all the difference in your quitting journey. With cost-effective solutions on your side, you can finally ditch the cigarettes without straining your budget.
Remember, just because you’re saving money doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice quality. The cheapest options, like our ARRØ lozenges, still offer top-notch ingredients. In some cases, you’ll get access to better flavors and formulas by shopping from newer, smaller companies than buying popular brand-name lozenges like Nicorette.
If you’re looking for the best value without compromising on taste or efficiency, try ARRØ lozenges today and discover how we’re redefining budget-friendly smoking alternatives.