Man and woman dancing

8 Best Tobacco & Nicotine Free Herbal Cigarettes (2024)

If you’re trying to give up traditional tobacco cigarettes, herbal cigarettes — which are typically nicotine-free — can seem like a great option. They allow you to keep up the physical act of smoking without feeding into a nicotine addiction. But with so many options on the market, choosing the best nicotine-free herbal cigarette can be a tricky proposition.

This article will present our list of contenders for recognition as the best herbal cigarettes available today.

Consider Trying ARRØ

ARRØ Ultra Lush Ice

Before we get into the herbal cigarette options below, you may want to consider something altogether different to kick a smoking habit.

Our ARRØ device is a nicotine-free alternative to vapes with nicotine, regular cigarettes, and herbal cigarettes. It’s a popular choice among folks trying to give up nicotine in all its forms.

As what’s known as a “flavored-air vape,” ARRØ delivers all of the expected benefits of vaping without nicotine, with one additional benefit — portability.

Since you don’t need to “light up” the way you do when using either regular cigarettes or herbal cigarettes, ARRØ can go where herbal cigarettes can’t.

Give our nicotine-free vapes a look if you’re up for trying something different. Check out our article on the pros and cons of vaping without nicotine for more information.

8 Best Nicotine-Free Herbal Cigarettes

Breather Supreme

Breather Supreme

Breather Supreme offers a natural blend of medicinal herbs geared toward helping people transition away from regular cigarettes. The manufacturer describes the flavor as “subtly Virginia,” meaning “a mild tobacco flavor.”

This manufacturer of zero-nicotine cigarettes has been around for seven years and makes a variety of all-natural tobacco and nicotine substitutes. These herbal cigarettes are just one product the company offers.

Breather Supreme also offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee — if you buy their smokes and don't like them, you can get your money back.

Buy Breather Supreme on Amazon here


Khoor herbal cigarettes

Khoor produces herbal, non-nicotine cigarettes from an all-natural blend of hemp and peppermint leaf, with zero tobacco or nicotine.

Like the other herbal cigarettes on our list, Khoors are mainly designed for — and marketed to — people who are looking for an alternative to regular cigarettes and a product that can help them quit smoking.

Khoor comes in four flavors: Original, Menthol, Vanilla, and Berry Blue.

Shop Khoor herbal cigarettes here


Honeyrose herbal cigarettes

Honeyrose is a U.K.-based maker of no-nicotine cigarettes that's been around for over 100 years. Established in 1910, the company specializes in producing herbal cigarettes made from natural ingredients like marshmallow leaves, red clover flowers, rose petals, honey, and fruit juices.

You can get flavored and unflavored varieties, with popular options including Mint, Vanilla, Cloves, Strawberry, and Chocolate.

Shop Honeyrose here


TAAT herbal cigarettes

One of the more popular cigarettes without nicotine on the market, TAAT offers a unique smoking alternative, which the company calls “Beyond Tobacco.” According to the company, this proprietary plant-based cigarette offers a “revolutionary” smoking alternative.

TAAT herbal cigarettes contain up to 25 mg of CBD per stick. Another unique feature is that the company tries to mimic the flavor profiles of many popular cigarette brands with its formulation options: Original (Winston), Smooth (Marlboro), and Menthol (Newport).

Shop TAAT here

Bear Blend

Bear Blend herbal cigarettes

Bear Blend smokes are made with 100% natural hemp papers and filters but do not include THC or CBD. Instead, this manufacturer of 0 nicotine cigarettes specializes in creating blends designed to produce specific physiological effects.

For example, the Moon blend promotes balance and calm by including ingredients like Rose and Lavender. Dream Lodge uses ingredients like valerian root and hops to enhance relaxation and encourage a dream-like state.

No matter which blends you choose, they use only all-natural, plant-based ingredients.

Shop Bear Blend here


Heabal herbal cigarettes

Herbal Tech Group, the company behind Heabal, was established in 2016 to offer innovative products in the herbal cigarette space.

These tobaccoless and nicotine-free cigarettes are made from tea leaves, flowers, and natural herbs, with most blends aimed explicitly at helping smokers kick their nicotine addictions and give up cigarettes.

In a stance that’s probably unique among herbal cigarette manufacturers, Herbal Tech recommends that you alternate between its herbal cigarettes and traditional tobacco cigarettes to help slowly wean yourself off nicotine.

Heabal smokes are available in Ice Menthol, Menthol, and Original flavors.

Shop HEABAL on Amazon here


Derrose herbal cigarettes

Derrose nicotineless herbal cigarettes contain natural ingredients like tea leaves, chrysanthemums, rose, mint, and honey. They are designed mainly as an aid for people looking to quit smoking.

These cigarette replacements also produce no secondhand smoke. This feature makes them a safer and more socially acceptable choice, especially if you're often around non-smokers.

Shop Derrose on Amazon here


STEP herbal cigarettes

Step’s nic-free herbal cigarettes feature a proprietary blend of natural herbs that the company says is entirely void of tobacco, nicotine, THC, CBD, hemp, and “tobacco-free nicotine,” otherwise known as TFN.

Available in a flavor called Green Cool Menthol, Step’s goal is to deliver a “kick” familiar to tobacco smokers — also known as a throat hit — without deriving that kick from addictive nicotine.

Shop STEP on Amazon here


Friends sitting in a park

What Are The Benefits Of Using No Nicotine Cigarettes?

If you're trying to quit smoking or reduce your nicotine intake, nicotine-free herbal cigarettes can provide benefits in several ways:

As a smoking cessation aid: Although herbal cigarettes are not explicitly marketed as smoking cessation aids, in practice, many people use them for precisely that purpose.

Herbal cigarettes can help smokers and people giving up nicotine vapes manage many of the psychological and behavioral aspects of smoking and nicotine addiction.

Namely, they allow you to continue the hand-to-mouth ritualistic action of smoking while doing away with nicotine. This approach can help ease the transition into an utterly nicotine-free life.

As a way to reduce your nicotine dependence: Because herbal cigarettes contain no nicotine, you can use them to help slowly wean yourself off of that toxic, addictive chemical.

If you use them in conjunction with products like nicotine lozenges or nicotine gum, you might be able to gradually reduce your nicotine intake until your addiction is eradicated.

By delivering fewer harmful chemicals: Although herbal cigarettes produce a cloud of smoke that you're inhaling, and they're certainly not 100% risk-free, they're typically going to deliver fewer harmful chemicals than you'll find in cigarette smoke.

Regular cigarettes contain upwards of 700 dangerous chemicals, including 70 that are known carcinogens. Most herbal cigarettes contain a fraction of that. This distinction makes them potentially safer than traditional tobacco cigarettes.

By causing fewer potential side effects: Tobacco use comes with a long list of side effects, including increased heart rate and elevated blood pressure, both of which put you at greater risk for serious health problems like heart attacks and strokes.

Because herbal cigarettes don’t contain nicotine, using them doesn’t court those same dangers.

As a path toward a gradual transition away from tobacco: Expanding on the points above, quitting smoking isn't just about giving up nicotine. There's an entire social aspect to the habit, along with a substantial psychological pull that keeps people addicted.

By substituting nicotine-free herbal cigarettes for regular cigarettes, you can continue the social and ceremonial aspects of smoking without exposing yourself to the dangers of smoking tobacco.

This substitute can help you gradually reduce your nicotine intake while maintaining the learned smoking behaviors that make quitting doubly hard.

Are Nicotine-Free Herbal Cigarettes Safe For You?

Nicotine-free herbal cigarettes are never going to be considered 100% safe.

However, when comparing them to regular cigarettes, most experts would agree that herbal cigs should be considered safer than many alternatives. You should, however, understand that they're not without their own set of risks.

First, understand that any form of smoking — and that includes smoking herbal cigarettes — means inhaling smoke into your lungs.

Smoke contains harmful ingredients and small particles that can irritate your lungs, regardless of source. You're still introducing compounds like tar and carbon monoxide, which can damage your lungs and put you at risk for respiratory issues.

Depending on what your herbal cigarettes contain, the ingredients can cause problems. Some common plants included in herbal cigarettes — like marshmallow leaf, rose petals, cloves, or licorice — may be natural, but that doesn't mean they're entirely safe when burned and inhaled

But it's not all bad news. There's quite a bit of good news. Herbal cigarettes do lessen or eliminate your exposure to nicotine. That’s their major plus.

Despite what we've said about the chemicals they can contain, they contain far fewer toxic chemicals than regular cigarette smoke.

The bottom line is that herbal cigarettes are most likely a safer option, even if no one can call them completely safe.

What Are The Risks And Potential Side Effects Of Using Zero Nic Herbal Cigarettes?

One risk you don't have to worry about with herbal cigarettes is exposing yourself to nicotine. However, that doesn’t mean that herbal cigarettes are free of all risks. Here are a few of the potential dangers of their use:

Respiratory issues: As we mentioned above, inhaling smoke of any kind can irritate your lungs and cause issues. This process can lead to problems like excessive coughing or wheezing and an increased risk of contracting colds or other respiratory infections.

Long-term use comes with its own set of problems, which are similar to those arising from long-term use of regular cigarettes. These include severe lung damage, chronic bronchitis, and other nasty respiratory diseases you don't want any part of.

Throat and mouth irritation: Herbal cigarettes come with a list of potential side effects that can affect your throat and mouth.

Remember, you are still inhaling smoke, which can lead to problems like a sore or scratchy throat, dry mouth, and an increased risk of oral infections.

Allergic reactions: This is a potential side effect, no matter what you're smoking. The potential for allergic responses will vary from herbal cigarette to herbal cigarette because it's almost entirely dependent on the ingredients that are in a particular formula.

A good rule to consider is that if you’re allergic or sensitive to a substance when it's not in a cigarette, you will most likely be allergic or sensitive to it when it is in a cigarette. It's essential to always read labels carefully and avoid substances that you know could cause problems.

Exposure to carcinogens: As we mentioned above, the smoke from herbal cigarettes doesn't carry the same risks as tobacco smoke, but that doesn't mean that it's completely safe or risk-free.

Smoke from herbal cigarettes can still contain carcinogens or other harmful substances. The list of toxins may differ from those found in tobacco smoke and may not be as long, but there's undoubtedly still the potential to inhale harmful substances or known cancer-causing compounds.

If You’d Like To Quit Smoking, Other Than Using Nicotine Free Herbal Cigarettes, What Are Alternative Options?

Quitting smoking can be challenging. Just ask anyone who’s ever tried to do it. Still, if you ask the same people if they think it was worth it, they will say “yes.”

Here are a few more popular and effective tools and techniques people have used to quit smoking successfully. Choose one or a combination of these that you think would be right for you:

Nicotine replacement therapy: Almost everyone who has quit smoking says that the various tools available for nicotine replacement made it a heck of a lot easier.

These include products like nicotine gum, nicotine lozenges, nicotine patches, and other forms of nicotine delivery that don't involve inhaling the toxic compound.

Nicotine replacement helps manage cravings and withdrawal symptoms by allowing you to deliver controlled amounts of nicotine to your body without the sudden rush that comes from cigarettes.

This dosing method can help “even out” withdrawal symptoms, which is one benefit, but it can also allow you to easily step down your nicotine consumption by modest amounts because the dose is much easier to monitor and control than with cigarettes.

Finally, nicotine replacement options like gum and lozenges occupy your mouth, which can help to satisfy the oral fixation habit you've probably developed from smoking.

Prescription medication: Drugs like Chantix and Zyban are used to help smokers who are trying to quit reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Note that these medications alter your brain chemistry and, in theory, are supposed to make smoking less desirable.

These medications can have other side effects, so be sure to have a frank conversation with your doctor to determine if they are right for you.

Mindfulness, meditation, and breathing exercises: Much of the battle in quitting smoking comes down to managing your withdrawal symptoms. Finding relaxation through activities like mindfulness exercises or meditation can help quiet your mind and make those symptoms more manageable.

Breathing exercises have the same benefits but also carry an additional one — they can mimic the inhale/exhale pattern that you get from smoking cigarettes, thus blunting the psychological withdrawal many smokers experience.

Zero nicotine vapes: Devices like our ARRØ, which don't contain any nicotine — or, really, anything at all other than flavorings, can be another effective tool to help you quit.

These inhalers allow you to continue the ritualistic aspect of smoking without inhaling nicotine or any other harmful chemicals.

You’re One Step Closer to Being Nicotine-Free!

Group of friends walking on the beach

Choosing non-nicotine options like herbal cigarettes is certainly a step in the right direction if you’re trying to quit smoking tobacco, and any of the brands we mentioned above are worth a look.

Also, remember to give vapes like our ARRØ a try. ARRØ is more than just a great tool if you want to quit smoking — it’s also our choice for the best nicotine-free vape and healthiest vape pen.

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